The Story of Rewild at Heart

The Story of Rewild at Heart

Born from our love of nature and passion for rewilding, Rewild at Heart is dedicated to creating beautiful, sustainable products while championing and supporting rewilding efforts in Britain and around the world.

Bored with our 9-5 jobs and disheartened by the decline in
the natural world, we wanted to do something truly productive and create positive change but didn’t know how.

One night over the campfire, we decided the best way to make a difference would be to pool our skills and start a business with the goal to both champion rewilding, and donate directly to rewilding & conservation causes and initiatives with a portion of the profits from every sale.

So, with the combined power of Paul’s woodwork & garden
workshop, and Ray’s background in design, we formed..

Rewild at Heart.

Every piece from Rewild at Heart, whether it’s a cotton
t-shirt or a wooden bat box, is made from natural, sustainable and reclaimed materials wherever possible.


It was reading George Monbiot's book Feral which really opened my eyes to Rewilding, and over the last year or so prior to our launch it’s quickly become my passion. It wasn’t like a light bulb being switched on, more like a bluebell bulb finally sprouting after lying dormant!

In fact, I recently unearthed this old uni project from 2012 where I wistfully and whimsically envisioned exotic animals roaming freely through central London: it’s like I always wanted to rewild, but just didn’t know it was a thing.

I love being in and walking through the countryside, but learning how much more full of life our landscape should be has given me the inspiration to work towards fixing that.

I do the website stuff and design the t-shirt graphics.


I like wood. I like having it, I like eating it, and yes I like making things out of it.

I've been crafting woodwork projects for years, mostly for friends & family. Forming Rewild at Heart has been an exciting opportunity to make a difference while doing what I love.